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Epubor Ultimate

Epubor Ultimate eBook Converter

Helps you read books anywhere, including the best eBook Converter + eBook DRM Removal functions.
Kindle for PC/Mac
Kindle eReader
Convert eBooks to EPUB/MOBI/PDF for reading anywhere
Kobo eReader

Converting an encrypted eBook only needs 2 clicks
Epubor Ultimate makes it simple to convert a bunch of books to EPUB, PDF or Mobi, and the converted books are displayed exactly the way they are. Drag and drop books from the left side library, choose an output format if needed, and click the “Convert” button. Then, all the books will be converted to the format you need. The smart and exclusive converter definitely helps you read more unfettered.

Convert eBooks purchased from almost all the popular retailers
Support eBooks purchased from: Amazon Kindle, Nook, Sony, Kobo, Google Play, Lulu, Smashwords, Fictionwise, and more… 
Input formats: KFX, EPUB, PDF, AZW, AZW1, AZW3, AZW4, Mobi, PRC, TPZ, Topaz, TXT, and HTML.
Output formats: EPUB, Mobi, AZW3, TXT and PDF (Common font size and large font size).
Batch conversion saves your time. 
Convert your books at 60X faster speed. 
Choose the format you want to convert and click the convert button. Once the conversion is done, the output folder which stores the converted books will pop up. Get the converted books and read them on any device or app.